More than 24 years experience working in the Voluntary Sector. |
More than 5,000 EDPs, EACs and AGPs organized. |
Professionals are trained by EDI, Ahmedabad as ‘Entrepreneurial Trainer Motivators.’ |
One of the Professionals worked with EDI, Ahmedabad at their NRO. |
Participated in a number of ToTs organized by EDI and other departments. |
Advanced Trainer’s Training Programme in the field of Entrepreneurship Development from EDII, Ahmedabad. |
03 months Trainer’s Training Programme on EDPs in the line of Agro/Food/Milk/Meat Processing Industries from EDII, Ahmedabad (Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GoI, Initiative) |
ETRDI remained the accredited training centre of KVIC, Mumbai under the aegis of Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt. of India for the States of PUNJAB and HARYANA for organizing EDPs for the beneficiaries of Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) and other developmental activities related to the promotion of Khadi Sector. |
Member of the regional proposals scrutiny and sanctioning committee formed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India for the States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Punjab and Chandigarh. Proposals are forwarded by various Schools/ Colleges/Universities/Educational Institutions/NGOs for organizing twin activities (Awareness and Activity) under ‘National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) |